Phonemic Intelligence (PI)

Phonemic Intelligence: The Future of Education Starts with Empowering the Brain

Phonemic Intelligence (PI) is a quick, 7-minute brain exercise that boosts learning, resilience, and compassion. Dr. Pillai envisions PI becoming a globally recognized educational method that enhances intelligence and fosters compassion across all ages.

For over a decade, PI has been integral to our educational programs, showing remarkable results in over 250,000 children. PI's efficacy is recognized by collaborations with state governments and research at prestigious institutions, including Harvard Medical School and Brain Science International.

Our key initiatives include:

-Hope Learning Centers: With 167 centers, we support 6,054 children in rural India in our after school centers.
-PI School Program: After the success of our public and private PI school programs in the US, India, and Mexico for over 12 years, we have successfully introduced PI to South African schools.
-Do PI With Me: A multilingual online community providing free PI sessions for children and parents.

Support PI’s Expansion in South Africa:

As we broaden our reach in South Africa, your donations empower children, enhancing brain function and equalizing educational opportunities. Recurring or one-time contributions of any amount make a significant difference and keep you connected with monthly updates.

Step 1: Make a donation that is comfortable for you. As little as $6 enables a child to receive PI training.
Step 2: Receive a monthly update on our global PI program.
Step 3: I Encourage others to support our growth, and help us create a world filled with HoPE.

For more information or to discuss your contributions, please contact our Donor Relations Manager at Thank you for bringing HoPE to life!