General Fund

We Share Love and Create HoPE!

At Tripura Foundation, we believe in a world where love and compassion drive us to help those in need, creating a world of HoPE: Heaven on Planet Earth. Our mission is to elevate young minds through transformative education while addressing the urgent needs of the hungry.


Your Impact

By making a General Fund donation, you are joining our movement of HoPE! Your generous donations will be directed to the greatest needs across our current programs and initiatives. Your support helps us provide:

+Brain enhancing education
Dr. Pillai’s Phonemic Intelligence (PI) revolutionizes education by boosting intelligence and nurturing compassionate leaders worldwide through our PI program.

+Meals that make a difference
We nourish vulnerable communities with protein-rich meals of love through our Food for All initiative.

+Empowering the next generation
We uplift marginalized children, boosting their intelligence, employability, and well-being for a better future through our Hope Learning Centers.

+Upholding senior dignity
We deliver essential food, care, and love to support abandoned seniors through our Hope for the Elderly program.


How You Can Help

Every contribution, no matter the size, makes a significant difference. Here are some ways you can support our mission:
• $1: Provides protein-rich mini meals for a Hope child for one month.
• $3: Gifts a branded HoPE T-shirt, symbolizing love and support.
• $12 per month: Sponsors a child’s education, including a Hope T-shirt and enrollment at a Hope Station.


Thank You for joining our HoPE family!

Thank you for your heartfelt gift of HoPE. If you have any questions about our work or how your donation is making a difference, please contact us at